Dr. Nicolás Real, Artistic Director
Flute Choir News!
On February 1st the Gulf Coast Flute Choir will be playing a concert at the Florida Flute Association Convention in Orlando. We are so excited to perform for fellow flutists from around Florida and the southeastern United States. There will be 16 of us attending and playing at the convention including our Artistic Director, Nicolás Real.
To make a donation to the Gulf Coast Flute Choir click below.
If you would prefer to send a donation by check the address is:
Gulf Coast Flute Choir
PO Box 14685
Bradenton FL 34280
A 501(c)3 non-profit organization
Gulf Coast Flute Choir
PO Box 14685
Bradenton FL 34280
A 501(c)3 non-profit organization
Contrabass Update!
The contrabass flute has been ordered and we are waiting to hear when it will be ready. It is a rare instrument, and it takes a while to receive one. We hope we will receive it soon. All we know is that we are very thankful to all our fellow flute music lovers for their support and to the Giving Challenge that helped us raise the money to buy the contrabass. We can't wait to play it for you in a concert.
Thank you to one of our sponsors. The Bradenton Area Convention and Visitors Bureau!
Thank you to our sponsor - The Bradenton Area Convention and Visitor Bureau
Gulf Coast Flute Choir Holiday Concert 2023
Gulf Coast Flute Choir Spring Concert 2023

Gulf Coast Flute Choir Spring Concert 2022
Gulf Coast Flute Choir Christmas Concert 2019
The Gulf Coast Flute Choir is made up of several different types of flutes including C flutes, piccolos, alto flutes, and bass flutes. We are always looking to expand our flute choir with more flutes.
In February the Flute Choir was invited to play a concert at the Public Library in Ellenton for one of their Lunch and Learn series. We had a small group of players who put on a fun concert for the library patrons.
Twelve members of the flute choir performed in a concert in November for Sigma Alpha Iota, an international music fraternity in Sarasota. Our assistant director, Stacey Havill, directed.